Dr. S.L. Saini receiving Godfrey phillips special social bravery award from Dr. A.R. Kidwai , Governer of of Haryana
Dr. S.L. Saini President HES being awarded by O. P. chautla , chief minister of Haryana on Independence Day August 2001 state level function at Yamuna Nagar, Kalasho Devi Memeber of Parliment Kurukshetra, Rajeev sharma deputy commisssionor Yamuna Nagar and M.S Alhawat Supt. Police Yamuna Nagar are seen in the picture.
Dr. S.L. Saini receives the Green-man Award in a state level function presided over by His Excellency Babu Parmanand the Governor of Haryana.
Dr. S.L. Saini, The Greenman receives the award of excellency in the field of Tree plantation given by the Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Haryana, Sh. B.B Dhalia on the occasion of Republic Day Celebration, dated 26 Jan, 2005.